Getting Started: Club Onboarding

Before you get started make sure to have the below ready:

  • An active account at
  • Your login credentials
  • A computer - Provider experience is not designed for phones or tablets and is not available within our iOS app

Getting Started with Your Premium Club

Welcome aboard! Once you have access to your Digital Club, you'll need to complete the required steps below to create events.

Step 1: Set up a Stripe payments account

Stripe is the payment platform used for running UTR Sports Events and is required to successfully receive payments from event registrants.

 To link your Stripe account, navigate to the home page of your digital club and click the 3 dots next to the Post Scores button then select, "Event Payments Account" and. "Create Stripe Account". During setup, you'll need to input personal and/or company information details, and banking details. You can view the full instructions here. (We recommend opening these instructions and then coming back to this page once you're done with Stripe setup).

Step 2: Add Locations and Courts

Input your event location, court surface, and courts so players are fully aware of where their matches are being played.

To set up, navigate to your Digital Club, click on the 3 dots (located next to the Post Scores button), and select "Locations and Courts". You'll want to add your facility name, then click Courts + to add your courts. For more information, click here.

Note: This is also required to be set up once you start creating your event draws.

Step 3: Edit Profile

Add a club description, your website, and a banner photo for players to recognize or learn about your club. To do this, click the 3 dots beside the Post Scores button and select Edit Profile.

Step 4: Add Providers

Providers can create events, manage digital members, post scores, and more. Different types of clubs have different amounts of allowable Providers. You can check this article for the breakdown and management of your provider list.

UTR Sports Support is here to answer any questions during your event creation process. As a Premium Provider, you have access to our Live Chat which is open 7 days a week. To access Live Chat, login to your account at click the bottom right chatbox, and start typing!

Pro Tip: Your players plan and clubs with 6-12 months of upcoming UTR Sports events have higher player registrations. Use our duplicate event feature when recreating similar events to save significant amounts of time.

Now that you are fully set up with your Digital Club, let's create your first event! Follow the instructions here.

Related article: UTR Sports Marketing 101

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